web http://www.sysmarkinfo.com/Spoolerplus.asp
SpoolerPlus allows you to run your generic Pick software on Universe and Unidata using the generic Pick printer commands that are embedded in your software or that you use at TCL e.g. :STARTSPOOLER, STARTPTR, SP-ASSIGN, SP-EDIT, LISTPTR, LISTPEQS, etc. and they behave just like they do on your generic Pick database.
SpoolerPlus will hold, print, hold-and-print and spool on-hold print jobs from designated print queues to designated printers when those jobs are generated and/or when those printers are available.
And (adding a feature to the generic Pick spooler) you can configure each printer to the print characteristics of the assigned print queue automatically when the printer is assigned to that queue, using printer drivers that we supply and/or that you may write which is the Plus in SpoolerPlus.
Migrating generic Pick software to Universe and Unidata has never been easier.