Providing tools which will compete favorably with System Builder, the BB4GL contains tools which can transform terminals into GUI application clients complete with arrow keys, function keys (labeled and maintainable through a screen), quick screen repainting for thin-clients, advanced GUI field editing, GUI TCL Stacker, GUI spooler menus, sophisticated sGUI scrolling lookups, GUI version of the original MultiValue ED editor (without F-ing), and GUI Update processor. The BB4GL also provides important database integrity tools which surpass those offered by Oracle, as well as database independence tools which support writing MultiValue source code which is largely MultiValue RDBMS independent. The BB4GL's Proc-to-Basic translator provides precise, compilable Basic source code for most Procs, such that they work identically as before, but with GUI field editing at all prompts, optional immediate integration with MS Office, and optional scrolling lookups at desired prompts.