How to access PROC Input Buffers from BASIC program
When working with PROCs there are 2 different input buffers available: Primary and Secondary. There are different way to access these buffer from within your BASIC programs: PROCREAD and SYSTEM(10)
Primary Buffer
This buffer provides you access to information found at the TCL command line, and other inputs generated when 'SS' and 'STON' is not used within a PROC
PROCREAD allows you to access the primary buffer. A common use for this is to get the TCL arguments from the PROC command line. In the example below, the ARG1 and ARG2 along with the TEST.PROC will be available in the PROCREAD statement.
If you create a PROC like the following:
PQ RI S1 O Begin Date + IP S2 O End Date + IP HTEST.PROGRAM P
This will cause all the input from the user to be placed in the Primary Buffer. PROCREAD can then read this information. The draw back to this is that the arguments supplied at the command prompt will be overwritten. So in the sample above, instead of saying "TEST.PROC ARG1 ARG2", it will be replaced with the input values with "Begin Date" and "End Date". The output will become "01/01/13 02/01/13 ARG2".
You will notice that the PROC name has been overwritten by the "Begin Date". This has to do with the "S1" and "S2" commands which dictate which argument the input will be placed into.
Here is an example of running the above PROC:
:TEST.PROC3 ARG1 ARG2 Begin Date :01/01/13 End Date :02/01/14 PROCREAD 01/01/13 02/01/14
Secondary Buffer (Stacked Data)
The secondary buffer is often used when stacking inputs, or passing Item Ids from an active select list to another TCL statement. Stacked Input data can be accessed with a SYSTEM(10). This will tell you if there is anything in the secondary buffer or not.
If you create a PROC like the following:
PQ SS S1 O Begin Date + IP S2 O End Date + IP HTEST.PROG STON A1 H< A2 H< P
Notice the "SS" and "STON" PROC commands. This will force the data being entered to be saved in the Secondary buffer, not the primary buffer. The STON will then allow you to create a "Stacked Input" that SYSTEM(10) can detect.
Here is an example of running the PROC with Stacked Input:
:TEST.PROC2 ARG1 ARG2 Begin Date :01/01/13 End Date :02/02/13 PROCREAD TEST.PROC2 ARG1 ARG2 STON 01/01/13 STON 02/02/13
Test BASIC program
The following is the BASIC program that is used to test the PROCS:
* TEST.PROG PROCREAD TEST.VAR ELSE TEST.VAR = "" * *** Display what was found in the PROCREAD statement * CRT "PROCREAD ": TEST.VAR * *** Capture all STON statements * LOOP WHILE SYSTEM(10) DO INPUT STON1 CRT "STON ": STON1 REPEAT END