Barcode scanning with Windows Mobile and Telnet Client
Windows PPC and Windows Mobile devices from Symbol and Intermec are used quite often enterprise warehousing. They are rugged devices and give you a wide range of development options to interface with your MultiValue database. While you can write a GUI application to take advantage of all the devices features, it takes time.
You can create a proof of concept, and a full blow production application using a telnet client for the PPC.
You actually have several options:
Here are some steps you can use to install vxHpc:
1) Make sure ActiveSync is installed.
2) Extract vxHPC to a folder on the hard drive
3) Browse to the folder and run then program: installCE.exe
This program will install the files into ActiveSync's install/Uninstall section so you can install on more than one device.
4) The installCE program will try to install the telnet program onto a device. If it can not, then it will setup it so that the install will happen once the device is synced.