AccuTerm 7 Released

AccuSoft Enterprises is pleased to announce the release of AccuTerm 7. After more than a year in development, the all-new AccuTerm 7 is available for new purchases and upgrades. AccuTerm 7 was designed on Windows 7 and is compatible with Windows XP-SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows are supported.

The AccuTerm 7 user interface has been redesigned integrating Windows themes for a modern look. Session windows are now organized using index tabs, and a user (or application) specified picture can be used as the terminal screen background (wallpaper).

AccuTerm 7 GUI has also been enhanced with Windows themes, providing GUI applications that you have developed an instant face lift. Many GUI objects have been enhanced such as checked-lists, multi-select trees and icons in grid cells. New GUI objects include a status bar, timer and HTML viewer.

AccuSoft Enterprises

Located in Sunland CA.

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